Introduction to Video Marketing and YouTube SEO

BY: Services GroundOn September 30, 2020
Introduction to Video Marketing and YouTube SEO

Let’s start with YouTube and YouTube SEO. If you want to rank your video on YouTube and Google then you’ll follow these steps. This is the most comprehensive guide to Video Marketing and YouTube SEO online.

This guide will help you to learn everything you must know about Video Marketing and YouTube SEO. If you want to get more targeted traffic from search, this guide will be helpful for you. We are going to show you the terms used in YouTube video Marketing and YouTube SEO.

  • Video Keyword Research
  • Create Awesome Videos
  • Video Optimization
  • Channel Authority
  • Ranking Videos in Google
  • Video Promotion Strategies

Video Keyword Research

Finding Keywords for video is different than for text-based blog posts. You get most of the views on your videos that are suggested by Youtube to its users, optimize your videos for YouTube and Google search. But people only get almost 15% to 25% of their video traffic from search.

Audiences use Google and Youtube in different ways. A keyword that gets 50k monthly searches in Google may get only 50 on YouTube. Also, a keyword that gets a bazillion searches on YouTube will get relevantly less in Google. Let me show you 5 favorite video keyword research techniques.

YouTube Suggest

This works just like Google Suggest. Type a keyword into the search field. Get a list of suggestions. YouTube will tell you those exact keywords that audiences search for more.

TubeBuddy Tags

This nifty (free) extension shows you the exact tags your competitors use for their videos. By using TubeBuddy you can get advanced keyword searches and get your videos higher ranked in search results to get more views.

tube buddy

Use VidIQ

VidIQ is a powerful freemium tool that focuses on YouTube keyword research. And it’s one of the amazing ways to uncover keyword and topic ideas for your videos. When you search on YouTube, VidIQ provides lots of great keywords for your video. This includes average views and average subscribers.


YT Cockpit

YTCockpit is also one of the few keyword research tools on the market designed specifically for YouTube. It will show you a slide of keyword suggestions and important metrics for each keyword. YTCockpit helps you to get information for keyword suggestions, it helps you to get the average video length, the number of likes, and comments for every video that ranks higher for a given keyword. But what I like about this tool is that it sizes up the competition on YouTube.

Optimize Existing Video Around That Keyword

 If you have a video that ranks for a keyword but it’s not well optimized for that keyword, first optimize your video for that keyword. With some video on-page SEO, you can usually increase your search results. There are some basic steps for YouTube SEO.

Create a New Video For That Keyword

This is pretty straightforward. Rather than enhancing an old video around a keyword, create a whole new video. This way, your video is targeted for that keyword. 

Create Awesome Video

 If you want to rank higher in YouTube search results, your video content needs to be awesome. There are some basic strategies for video ranking.

  •   Session Time
  •   Watch Time
  •   Audience Retention
  •   Engagement
  •   CTR.

Video Optimization

You also need to improve the audience viewing experience by optimizing your video around keywords that the audience use on YouTube and in Google

Video Title

You have two goals that you need to be done with your video title:

  • Include your target keyword.
  •  Maximize click-through-rate (CTR).
 what is CTR

Video Description

I suggest writing 200+ word descriptions for each video because longer descriptions give YouTube a better understanding of your video’s topic. And this better understanding helps your video show up as a suggested video on more videos.

YouTube Video Tags

Tags aren’t nearly as important as they were back in the day. That said, YouTube still asks for tags. So I recommend using them. I honestly don’t put a ton of thought into tags.

I simply include 5-ish tags that make sense for video. And I make sure that one of the tags is the target keyword. 

Upload a Transcript

A transcript helps YouTube fully understand your video’s topic. This helps your video show up in more suggested videos.

Optimize Your Video for CTR

YouTube uses CTR as a BIG ranking signal. If lots of people search for a keyword on YouTube and click on your result you’ll likely get rankings to boost.

Channel Authority

The role of channel authority plays an important role directly or indirectly in how your videos work on YouTube #l.

Channel’s Branding and Messaging

So we made a channel slogan for higher rankings and more traffic. Here are some actionable tips you can use to boost your channel’s branding and authority.

1.Channel Header

Make sure to include your channel’s slogan here.

2.About Page Description

Must include your slogan early in your channel’s about.


Make your playlists that represent what your channel is all about. 

Number of Subscribers

Do channels with more subscribers get built-in rankings to boost? It’s hard to say. After all, popular channels get more views every time they publish a new video. So it’s impossible to know whether your subscriber count is a direct or indirect ranking factor. Either way, the more subscribers you have, the better your videos will perform on YouTube.

Ranked in Google

Here’s the deal: Google earmarks certain keywords for video results.

I call these “Video Keywords”. And the secret to ranking your videos in Google is to target Video Keywords.

How to Find Video Keywords

The simplest way to find Video Keywords is to search for your potential keyword on Google.

If you see at least one video result in the top 10, great. If not, you may want to consider a different keyword.

How to Rank YouTube Videos in Google

Now that you’ve created a YouTube video around a Video Keyword, how do you get it to show up in Google? The “secret” is to create an awesome video and then optimize that video. Other than that, it’s all about getting backlinks to your video. Like any page on the internet, the more high-quality backlinks you build, the higher you’ll rank. 

Ranking Self-Hosted Videos in Google

What if you self-host your videos on your site? For example, let’s say that you post your videos to your blog with a service like Wistia. Can you get those videos to rank? Technically yes, but it’s a lot harder to rank a self-hosted video than a YouTube video.

82% of all video results in Google are from YouTube. (Considering that Google owns YouTube, this shouldn’t come as a surprise). That said, it is possible to rank self-hosted videos.

Put The Video at The Top Of Your Page

This shows Google that your video is the main piece of content of that page. So make sure your video is at the very top of the page or right after a brief text-based intro.

Publish a Transcript Below Your Video

It is recommended that publish a transcript below your video because it helps search engines to understand in a better way about your video content.

Video Promotion Strategies

In every minute almost 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, it sounds crazy. But, with so much video flying around the platform, even your best videos need a serious promo.

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